Which Workout?????
19th September 2021

It’s very trendy to workout, belong to a gym or take part in a boot camp class, but how many people actually stop to think if the type of workout they have chosen will actually help them achieve their health and fitness goals?
Cardio training will burn calories, here at Fit Friends we give our clients a heart rate monitor so you can see your exact calorie output during the session. Our cardiCORE session burns the calories. Taking an average weight of 10st and a female gender then you could expect to burn between 400 and 500 calories. If you are male take an average weight of 13st then 650 – 750 calories would be about right for this session.
If your goal is weight loss then then this type of session will certainly help with calorie output…
Strength training is also an important part of weight loss, additionally an excellent workout for anyone wanting to improve their posture, tone and muscle balance after injury.
Strength training doesn’t burn loads of calories during the session but it will improve the condition of your muscles and your ability to use them effectively. Muscles support your frame and add tone to your body, additionally having muscle strength helps with posture. Introducing strength training into your weekly workout, will ultimately increase your basal metabolic rate. Muscles are metabolic meaning they need calories to just be there, adding to the amount of calories your body requires on a daily basis.
Please take note here, body composition won’t change over night, it is a steady process, where you lose fat mass and gain muscle mass, you will then see your body change, realistically this can take anywhere between 6 – 12 months.
Our version of Functional Training provides a sound base for developing movements needed for everyday living, or taken one step further for posture, body strength and balance. We offer this type of class to everyone, especially older adults as the basis of this session mimics movements requiring larger muscle groups and core stability.
We don’t thing that everyone should be able to run a marathon or lift heavy weights, primarily if you can use your body in the way it is meant to work then your goal maybe to stay stronger for longer.
Balance and flexibility are also hugely important for everyone, regardless of age. As we get older balance is one of the first attributes to start to decline. Muscle loss doesn’t help with this, so our classes often include working on balance. Balance is key to decreasing falls in older adults, but also increasing agility in all age groups.
Flexibility is another component of fitness which is overlooked, having supple muscles which easily move around a joint helps to prevent injury, for everyone. In older adults flexility is key to bending, dressing and holding off limited movements.
We think flexibility is so important we offer an online session every week, why online.. because you don’t need any equipment, all you need is a floor and a phone, tablet or PC. Stretching thoroughly once a week will help elongate your muscles and keep them in great condition for you to live your life.